About Us
Mela Mariposa,
co- founder of Svara- Beyond Breathwork, today works as a breathwork therapist and life-coach.
The main focus in Mela's work is to accompany her clients into a state of presence and into their heart space, where transformation can take place. She loves working with people who want to develop their potential and fulfill their dreams, people who are ready to go deep and want to dissolve old patterns and habits.
Mela has a huge background knowledge, she worked for over 12 years as a nurse in psychiatric clinics, she is a holistic nutritionist and spent years studying the science and practise of traditional yoga. She has lived, trained and taught in various communities in Asia and Europe. Nowadays she integrates shamanic work, western therapeutic elements and elements from traditional Yoga & Tantra.
Olivia Marié,
co-founder of Svara- Beyond Breathwork is a passionate Breathwork Teacher, certified and recognized breathing Therapist and Art of being Teacher. While continuously studying a wide range of therapeutic methods including BBTRS, Tantra, Theta Healing, spiritual care of dying persons etc., she has explored and studied many ways to heal and loves to work with people who want to learn to integrate and discover all aspects of their personal life and being.
One of Olivia’s passion and life task is to bring people together, to create and hold sacred spaces for connection and be part of the change for a new earth. The wisdom of the Moondance has become Olivia's inspiration and teaching and changed her life profoundly. Since 2020 is Olivia one of the co-creator of the Pachamama Festival; Olivia is thankful to share her gifts to plant the seeds for a new world. Originally from France, she lives with her family in Switzerland.