
Mela Mariposa, Founder, Main Facilitator

Founder of Svara, breathwork facilitator, spirit coach and cacao mama.

The main focus in Mela's work is to accompany her clients into a state of presence and into their heart space, where transformation can take place. She loves working with people who want to develop their potential and fulfill their dreams, people who are ready to go deep and want to dissolve old patterns and habits.

Mela has a huge background knowledge, she worked for over 12 years as a nurse in psychiatric clinics, she is a holistic nutritionist and spent years studying the science and practice of traditional yoga. She has lived, trained and taught in various communities in Asia and Europe. Nowadays she integrates shamanic work, western therapeutic elements and elements from traditional Yoga & Tantra.


Fabio Cancogni, Functional Breathing Instructor

Fabio's breathwork journey began during a personal crisis, where he discovered the power of Pranayama to resolve mental conflicts and develop a new relationship with his mind.
Surprised that these techniques were not commonly taught, he embarked on a mission to help those struggling mentally and emotionally, providing effective coping strategies.

Today, Fabio's purpose lies in transforming the lives of those living in modern cities, where many feel disconnected from nature and themselves.

Focusing more on the scientific aspects of breathing, with a specific emphasis on functional and dysfunctional breathing patterns, he bridges the gap between conscious and unconscious living.

Fabio now successfully works with athletes, corporations, medical patients, and everyday individuals empowering them to enhance their well-being, find balance, and reconnect with their deepest self by explaining the profound impact of breath on their physical and mental state.

Teaching at the EARTH MODULE.


Katrin Heuser, Trauma Expert

Her whole life, Katrin has been interested in the body and movement. After many years of dance, her Scoliosis led her to Pilates and finally to Yoga and Thai Massage, which then became her path in life.

For Katrin, her work is about the never-ending exploration of the body and mind, and a way of discovering the beauty of life. As we bring awareness to what is happening inside and where we are in the present moment, the body is encouraged to release where it is holding. Then we can embark on a journey of restoration and growth.

She holds a 500h Level 4 NVQ Yoga Teaching qualification, trained in Manual Lymph Drainage and has studied extensively in Thai Yoga Massage and Osteothai, including a Master Osteothai qualification, over the past years. Through her work as a bodyworker comes also her understanding of trauma, chronic conditions and pain, as well as the influence of working with fascia, the craniosacral system, structural support and regulation of the nervous system.

Katrin used to run a Yoga Festival in London and launched an online anti-stress breathing programme. Since 2015 she has lived in Lisbon and runs Little Yoga Space, where she teaches and gives Osteothai treatments, and she is the director of Hadadi, offering foundation and advanced training courses in Thai Massage and trauma-informed Yoga worldwide.

Teaching at the EARTH & AIR MODULE


Eva Kormos, Kundalini Yoga Teacher

Since very early in my childhood I was searching for something. Something more meaningful and true than what life seemed to be. It felt that there is more to it and something important was missing. I tried to fill this gap with different forms of addictions which lately became my main field of interest in my work.
This deep longing in my heart brought me in various adventures in all sorts of spiritual paths, modalities of self-knowledge and healing works. The ones that had the strongest influence on my life was Self-Enquiry, Yoga, Dance Therapy and Non Violent Communication.

For me yoga is not limited to the time we spend on our yoga mat. Actually it starts after that. It makes sense only if we manage to translate our experiences into our daily life and supports us in our inner transformation, in the process of giving birth to our true self, cleaning all our false beliefs and limiting thoughts about ourselves.

I believe we are here to be happy and enjoy fully this human existence, serving each other with our gifts. I’m happy if I can support you in your journey of Self-discovery with the knowledge and tools of Kundalini Yoga.


Teaching at the EARTH MODULE.


Olga Viktoria Sadowski, Chef

Plant based chef, activist and author, focused on integrative nutrition & the politics of food. Her meals are crafted in reverence to the earth, reconnecting us with nature through the senses, inviting us to embrace a symbiotic relationship with the natural world.

She is a student of indigenous ways of life, dedicated to the well being of the earth and feminine health.

Olga expresses her enchantment for nature in her work as a chef, curator for handcrafted arts, interior designer and by organizing holistic retreats, workshops & markets.

Also check out some videos of our teachers to get a feeling for each one of them, there is more videos you can find on our youtube channel.

Mela Mariposa

Fabio Cancogni

Katrin Heuser

Eva Kormos